I started doing coffee enemas in 2015…way before they were cool. I had just finished college, where I Iived in highly toxic homes. The homes were at least 100 years old, with original copper pipes & lead paint, & I could see mold growing on the walls. Nobody was talking about environmental toxicity when I was in college and it was not until the year after I graduated that my late rheumatologist and mentor taught me about heavy metal toxicity.
At this time, I felt like I was dying. All my strength for the day was used in making and cleaning up breakfast. Nobody had an answer for me. My mom had read an obscure article about coffee enemas helping people with cancer. She suggested I try them and, in desperation, I did. After one, I was hooked. In minutes, fatigue was alleviated, brain fog cleared, my abdomen was flatter. Since then, coffe enemas have gained popularity for producing similar results in almost everyone who tries them.
It turns out that coffee enemas have been used for centuries by doctors in cases of poisoning, pain management, & cancer. There is some research explaining how coffee enemas produce such amazing benefits, but as with many natural remedies, it has mostly been swept under the rug. When coffee is administered rectally, it enters the rectal veins, which transport it to the liver & gallbladder. Once it reaches the liver, it stimulates the gallbladder to release bile. Bile flow is key to detoxification because it transports toxins that have been processed by our liver into our intestines, to be eliminated in stool.
Some proponents of coffee enemas claim it radically increases glutathione production. While some research has demonstrated coffee beans administered in high doses orally may increase glutathione in mice, coffee enemas (albeit in doses below the therapeutic dose) have not shown to produce the same effect.
Want to try one at home?
Some things to keep in mind:
